How Often Do Dryer Fires Happen?

How Often Do Dryer Fires Happen?

Let’s answer this question right away: more often than you think. Yes, dryer lint is one of the biggest fire hazards in the average American home. If you can’t remember when you last had professionals perform a dryer vent cleaning to give your dryer some...
How Can You Increase Airflow in Your Ducts?

How Can You Increase Airflow in Your Ducts?

Ducts in your home are often out of sight and therefore out of mind. It’s no wonder then that most people rarely, if ever, have their ducts cleaned. Dust and debris get pulled into your duct system and settle inside the walls of your ducts. How do you know when...
Is a Clogged Furnace Vent a Fire Hazard?

Is a Clogged Furnace Vent a Fire Hazard?

Furnaces require regular maintenance for safety, and an important part of that care is furnace vent cleaning. Without regular cleaning, vents can become clogged and become a fire hazard. Sparks and Fumes By their very nature, furnaces can throw out sparks or release...