5 Signs Your Dryer Duct May Be Clogged

5 Signs Your Dryer Duct May Be Clogged

Time and attention are stretched thin these days. With so much to worry about, you may be overlooking problems of the “I’ll get to it later” type for the sake of the “right now” type. One of those problems that seems small but has big...

How Often Should You Clean Your Dryer Vents?

How often should people clean their dryer vents? That’s a fantastic question, especially since laundry is likely a task people complete without much thought. Put the clothes into the washer, add detergent, let the cycle run, and then put the clothes into the...
The Importance of Cleaning Your Dryer Vent

The Importance of Cleaning Your Dryer Vent

Whether you don’t mind it, or you dislike it, laundry seems to be one of those never-ending chores. And while many homeowners dutifully clean the lint trap between dryer loads, they often forget to have the actual dryer vent cleaned regularly. Where Does Lint Come...
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