Indoor air quality can have a direct impact on your health and wellbeing. Ensuring that the air you and your family are breathing is free from harmful airborne contaminants is absolutely essential to good health. There are some telltale signs that the air in your home might not be as clean as it could be.
Since we spend so much time inside, we often become used to pent-up odors and might not even notice that the air we’re breathing is stale or musty. A number of factors, such as poor ventilation, dirty ductwork, or an improperly maintained heating system can cause this unfortunate situation.
Having a bad smell in your house is not really the problem, though. In fact, indoor contaminants often have no odor at all. The bigger issue is that bad air can be laden with virus particles, dust mites, mold, toxic vapors, and other contaminants that could make your family sick.
Common Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality
It’s impossible to keep contaminants out of our homes entirely. Even if we maintain a clean living space and don’t smoke indoors, pollutants and bacteria are constantly building up all around us. If someone in the home is sick, viral particles can become airborne, adding to this toxic soup.
Even the materials that our homes and furnishings are made of can emit chemicals, molds, and allergens that contribute to bad air. During the colder months when our windows are rarely open, these substances can build up in the indoor atmosphere and become concentrated to a dangerous level.
The Worst Indoor Air Contaminants
Viruses and bacteria aren’t the only things we need to be worried about breathing in. There is a long list of airborne substances that we need to be on the lookout for:
- Fiberglass, asbestos, and formaldehyde particles that can be given off from building materials
- Volatile organic compounds from cleansers, paint, and solvents
- Gases and vapors emitted from new carpet and furnishings
- Common allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, molds, and fungi
Recognizing Physical Symptoms
People who live or work in places with high levels of indoor air contamination often report some or all of the following symptoms. You might find that these symptoms come and go, and tend to be worse on days when you’ve spent a great deal of time indoors:
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Dry or irritated eyes, nose, or throat
- Shortness of breath
- Allergies
- Sinus problems
- A persistent cough
- Dizziness
- Nausea
What’s the Solution?
While it’s not possible to keep all contaminants out of our indoor spaces, it is possible to improve ventilation and air circulation and to engage in best practices, such as hiring a duct cleaning service on a regular basis. Investing in a good-quality HEPA filtration system is also recommended.
If you need advice on ways to improve the quality of your indoor air, or would like to get a quote for an air duct or dryer duct cleaning, contact us today at Dryer Ducks. Clean ductwork can go a long way towards ensuring your home has fresher air.
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