Have you noticed that your dryer takes a long time to run or that your clothes come out smelling musty? It could be time to get your dryer vents cleaned. Getting an annual inspection from a dryer vent company and removing built-up debris as needed can keep your home clean and safe. Let’s look at how to find a quality dryer vent company!
How to Find a Quality Dryer Vent Company
According to the EPA, indoor pollution is one of the top five environmental hazards. Given that the average home produces over 40 pounds of dust each year, finding a company that knows dryer vents inside and out is important. Taking this step can be important in maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of your home. Here are some qualities to look for when vetting a dryer company:
Thorough Inspections
“Out of sight, out of mind,” is a saying that should not apply to the dust and mold clogging your dryer vents. Our inspections use cutting-edge technology. We start with an airflow reading and providing HD video footage to get a visual of both the inside and the outside of your dryer vents.
Expert Dryer Vent Cleaning
Not all methods of cleaning dryer vents are created the same. We use superior tools, including agitation brushes and HEPA filter vacuums. When we’re done, we will show you before and after footage, so you can see the difference for yourself. Plus, we back our work with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
Effective Dryer Duct Reroutes
The company you choose should have an expert sense of efficiency when it comes to the placement of your dryer ducts. People who have recently moved into a new home or suspect damage to their hose can often benefit from a dryer duct reroute.
We offer thorough inspections of your system to check for detachments and more efficient ways to route the hoses. If any parts of your system need to be reconnected or replaced, we do so with UL Listed, fire-rated, flexible ducting materials.
Bird’s Nest Removal
Dust and mold aren’t the only things that can get into your dryer vents. Birds can also make their way into dryer vents, bathroom vent fans, stove vents, and microwave vents. Bird nest removal is an essential service that will keep the wild things from doing damage to your home.
Related Services
A company that services dryer vents knows that the job isn’t really about the dryers. It’s about ensuring cleanliness and safety in your home with top-of-the-line materials, quality cleaning tools, and through inspections. Along with dryer vent cleaning and reroutes, the best companies in the field offer a menu of related services. In addition to servicing your dryer vents, we can offer you air duct cleaning and general disinfection of your home according to CDC standards.
Your family deserves the peace of mind that comes with well-maintained dryer vents. To learn more about our top-rated services, contact Dryer Ducks, today!
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