Do You Need to Re-Route Your Dryer Duct?
Most homeowners don’t think about their dryer ducts’ positioning or structural integrity. This is understandable, since it’s easy to forget about duct servicing when other household tasks feel more urgent. However, if your ductwork layout is not optimal, it can result in dangerous blockages. A dryer duct re-route may be more urgent than you think.
If you are contemplating whether or not your home needs this service, chances are you’ve either had issues with your dryer or noticed something abnormal. As dryers are one of the most common causes of residential fires and cause property loss of approximately $35 million each year in the U.S. Staying on top of issues relating to your dryer isn’t just smart; it’s crucial to your safety.
Having a professional examine your dryer’s ductwork can prevent your family from being put at risk due to the dangers presented by outdated or poorly designed ductwork. Keep reading to learn what red flags to look for when deciding if you should re-route your ductwork.
Dryer Placement
When your dryer is running, moisture is pulled from your clothes. It travels through the ductwork until it is released. Ideally, the ductwork should run directly to the outside. However, if your dryer is not located in a room with an exterior wall, that may not be the case.
If your dryer is on the second floor or in an interior room, have a professional examine your home to determine your ductwork’s path. Dryer ductwork that spans a long distance is prone to issues that can require costly repairs. Dryer Ducks can re-route your ducts to the most direct pathway and minimize your risk for potential problems.
Repeat Clogs
No matter how diligently you clean your dryer’s lint screen, some lint will still make it through the catch and into your ducts. However, wayward lint is not an issue for dryers with correctly routed ducts. Most lint can pass through the vent largely unencumbered. Any lingering pieces will be removed during your annual duct cleaning.
Unfortunately, if your ductwork is full of twists and turns, lint will accumulate in the corners and eventually clog vents. If you are dealing with persistent clogs despite your best efforts to prevent them, re-routing your ducts is the best solution. As clogs can contribute to overheating and fires, you’ll want to address this problem.
Strange Smells
If you’ve noticed that an area of your home smells musty or that your laundry room smells like something is burning when your dryer is running, it’s time to have your ductwork inspected. There are a surprising number of things that can cause problems with your ductwork. For example, if your ductworks’ design is too accessible, you may have problems with birds nesting inside it and creating a blockage.
Additionally, sometimes the ductwork will have been routed to release moisture from the dryer into an attic or crawlspace. Consistent moisture exposure can cause the drywall or wood near the exhaust to mold. Re-routing your ducts will ensure moisture is released in an appropriate location and that the potential for intruders, both avian and otherwise, is limited.
Outdated Duct Material
Homes built before the 80s may have ducts constructed from plastic or PVC. These materials are flammable and pose a significant safety risk. If your home has ducts that are not metal, you’ll want to have a professional replace and re-route them.
If you want to ensure your dryer runs safely and efficiently, we can help. Contact Dryer Ducks and schedule a free duct inspection today. Our free, no-obligation inspection and price quote provides the information you need to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones with a dryer duct re-route.
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